Trends in Java in 2021
Time flies, but some things are forever classy and “age like a fine wine.” Of course, we’re talking about Java Trends here.
What else is there to say 😊?
If we look at the world of technology, Java immediately comes to mind as an example of this phenomenon.
Wouldn’t you like to know what to expect from this decade? Let’s take a look at the latest Java trends!
Java programming. Once a rock star, always on top.
Throughout the history of programming languages, Java has always held a special place in back-end developers’ hearts.
The reason is its simplicity, platform independence, security, and abundance of available resources. These advantages have contributed significantly to Java’s popularity. Currently, there are more than 7 million Java developers in the world.
Every year, StackOverflow publishes a survey of technology enthusiasts worldwide and looking at the results of 2019. In previous years, one thing is clear: Java is consistently in the top five most popular technologies.
So what are the new trends in Java?
The universe of technology confers no signs of stopping, so we suggest you keep up with the latest Java trends to keep up with them.
Getting rid of Java 8
You may have Java 8 in your heart, but it’s time to upgrade to version 11. It’s up to you to download and install the newly added features and encourage your team to take this step (if they haven’t already). And let’s not forget that Java 14 is knocking on our door in 2020.
DevOps recovery (Docker or Jenkins)
With the DevOps market expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2022, it’s safe to say that DevOps practices and technologies will shape the technology market. Do you want to deploy a system faster and more efficiently? If so, the use of automation should be on your roadmap.
Git. Let’s do it together.
Add one more thing to your list. You’ll thank me later! Many companies have already started migrating their SVN and CVS projects to Git, so if you’re serious about programming in Java, it’s time to start mastering it.
Take the initiative
You are probably already using the Spring Framework and know its basic concepts. Now is the time to update your Spring Framework skills. In recent years, there have been significant releases of Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring Security. Today, it seems that everyone is obsessed with using the cloud for development. When it comes to the cloud, microservices architecture holds a special place in the Java development equation.
Tried and tested: powerful Java tools
When it comes to separating the novice from the experienced professional, automated testing skills can make all the difference. In any project, it is advantageous to have developers who can write unit tests and have a deep knowledge of various frameworks, libraries, and unit testing tools: Junit, NUnit, TestNG, Jmockit, EMMA, Selenium REST-Assured, Spock frameworks, and more.
Big Data and Java: the perfect combination
Java developers have access to many open source big data tools: Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Mahout, Java JFreechart, Deeplearning4j, and many others. Most Java developers can quickly implement new big data tools as if they were learning a new API.
The biggest Java development trends of 2020
The war between Java and Python
The growing popularity of artificial intelligence has led many developers to prefer Python to Java. However, Java’s dominance as a programming language remains unchanged. A significant number of programmers choose Java to develop AI solutions. Although Python has some advantages in machine learning, Java is rapidly evolving to become more efficient for AI and ML, which brings us to the next trend.
Java continues to evolve.
It contains extensive libraries that can create business applications for companies of all shapes and sizes. The platform has evolved from its major release to Java 8 and beyond, with recent versions such as Java 10 and 11 bringing impressive new features. The release of Java 10 was an essential step in this direction. This evolutionary phase continues, and the language will become even more potent than ever.
Release of Java versions 12 and 13
Following the change in Oracle’s support model, two-yearly releases of non-LTS versions are the norm, and these are unlikely to include many significant changes. JDK 12, released in March 2019, is non-LTS and comes with several new features.
Responsive is the buzzword par excellence.
Although responsive programming is not new, it has become this year’s buzzword. With the increasing amount of data generated in businesses today, the need for computing power in business applications is on the rise. Java produces innovative RxJava technology, a reactive extension that performs reactive programming for the JVM. It promotes the work of concurrent, asynchronous, and fault-tolerant Java applications.
Real-time specification
Another big trend in Java this year is the popularity of real-time specifications for Java (RTSJ). RTSJ use for embedded systems, which is the new frontier where predictable execution is more important than other attributes such as bandwidth, speed, and resilience. RTSJ has solved language and runtime problems and simplified the development of embedded systems.
Side-by-side effect of Design
Another aim that has had a meaningful impact on the Java landscape is the Juxtapose project’s impact. It is also known as Project JXTA, and it is an incredible open-source platform that Java developers have embraced with enthusiasm. It is likely to influence development standards in the future by driving the web services development process.
Data Science with Java
Java’s growing association with Data Science is becoming a critical event for developers this year. Java is a high-performance compiled language that can use to build data-driven processed applications. Whichever structure you want for this purpose, you need a Java implementation to work. It integrates seamlessly with data science codes, making it the best choice for such applications.
Scripting language implications
Java developers usually choose scripting languages as a quick and easy option for prototyping and algorithms. They are helpful when a complex task needs are completed in a minimum number of steps. Jython, JRuby, and Groovy are popular scripting languages embedded in Java and used by many developers this year. With the introduction of Java Specification Request (JSR) 223, the language has taken a step towards scripting languages.
The fundamental structure of Java development is not going to change any time soon. However, these emerging trends in software development have enormous implications for how Java developers build their solutions. Entrepreneurs and tech-savvy executives are keeping an eye on these trends and adapting their solutions accordingly. Java has managed to maintain a perfect balance between stability and innovation. Top Java development company India, we know how to make the most of Java’s unique features and robust framework to build the best solutions. You can trust us to build enterprise applications keeping in mind the latest trends. Embark on a technology-driven business journey by leveraging the innovative features of Java software applications.